Earth Observation Web Services UX Design Support

The Challenge
EUMETSAT operates various web-based services via which satellite data are made available. Different users with different background knowledge make use of these services. One of the services is the Product Navigator. It is intended to provide the users with an easily understood overview of all the satellite data offered. Therefore, for many users it has established itself as the first port of call for their data research. The task of con terra was to optimize the user experience (UX) of the Product Navigator.

With the experts from con terra, we have optimized our open „Earth Observation Web Services“ in a targeted manner.
The Customer
EUMETSAT is an intergovernmental organisation that operates a fleet of satellites in geostationary and polar orbit which monitor the atmosphere as well as the surfaces of the oceans and the earth - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The data are provided to the national meteorological services of the member and cooperating states of the organisation in Europe and to other users worldwide.
The data, products and services of EUMETSAT make a major contribution to weather forecasting and the monitoring of the global climate.
The Solution
For optimum user experience it is important to record the actual users as fully and correctly as possible in order to be able to undertake optimization on that basis. In this context, EUMETSAT makes use of the wide range of services of Spatial UX from con terra GmbH. Through the fact-based, scientific approach, vague terms such as „User Experience“ or „Usability“ become intelligible, concrete and objective.
In workshops, typical users with their specific objectives, tasks, requirements and wishes were mapped. With these so-called personas in view, clear requirements for practical working with the Product Navigator were derived. With these requirements an interactive prototype was created step by step. This prototype was then evaluated in a Europe-wide user study. The results then flowed into the next development steps.
The solution is Based On
ISO-Norm 9241-210 which defines the user-centred design as an incremental iterative process with four steps
UCD workshops for the derivation of personas
Interactive prototypes for desktops and tablets
User studies for the checking of the user experience
Scientifically standardized methods (UEQ, SUS)
The Advantages
With the range of services of Spatial UX from con terra, EUMETSAT was able to systematically optimize the user experience of the Product Navigator and to underline its position as an important starting point for its own satellite data. Through the optimized user experience, not only professionals but also occasional users can now access even more quickly the data relevant to them. As a result, the effective, efficient and seamless access has also had a positive influence on the public image of EUMETSAT. Through the active involvement of important customers within the scope of user studies, the acceptability of the Product Navigator was able to be increased and at the same time the relationship with EUMETSAT as a provider of satellite data strengthened.
Product Navigator as one of the most important starting points for the satellite data of EUMETSAT
The optimization of the user experience (UX) of the Product Navigator
EUMETSAT uses Spatial UX from con terra
The derivation of personas, development of interactive prototypes
User studies: Evaluation of the user experience on the basis of scientific methods
The improvement of the public image
The creation of transparency and increase in the acceptance by the users