ERGO GIS Assistance

The Challenge
ERGO GIS assistance shall enable assistance-cover staff to quickly and comprehensively support their clients in the case of a claim. The various applications include, for instance, commissioning an appropriate breakdown service, planning larger tow-journeys, and planning travel routes considering all kinds of parameters.

In a very short project duration, the project team was successful in creating a technically innovative, central, web-based geo-information system (ERGOGIS). ERGOGIS runs very stably, is easily handled, and intuitively operated, qualities which were received very positively by the 24h emergency services / motor claims services. Further expansion in other fields besides the „assistance-solution“ are conceivable and technically viable.
The Customer
ERGO is one of the largest insurance groups in Germany and Europe, with 50.000 employees and distributors. With experts in various business areas, the group offers its clients a comprehensive spectrum of insurances, precautionary measures and services.
ITERGO is the main IT-contractor for ERGO. It develops and implements ITstrategies and service concepts for national and international markets, and ensures that ERGO constantly operates with state of the art information technology. The ITERGO branches in Germany are located in Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Köln and München. With around 1.400 employees, ITERGO realizes innovative application systems for the ERGO group, provides hardware and system related software, and ensures its trouble-free operation.
The Solution
ITERGO has established a powerful, company-wide GIS-platform, which serves as the basis for the processing of spatial data, based on the technologies of ESRI’s ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Server, and on the „geodata-hub“ FME. The access to and storage of geodata is based on the ArcGIS Server integrated technology ArcSDE, which provides the interface to the implemented Microsoft SQL-Server database-system. The actual assistance webapplication is based on Silverlight-Technology, and builds on the described GIS-platform. While the GIS-platform provides commodity specific data about ArcGIS Server services for the web application, Microsoft Bing Maps services are utilized for the provision of base maps, and for the address search and route calculation functions. These services are characterized by high data availability and currency.
The Technology is Based On
Esri ArcGIS Server 10: Data management (ArcSDE technology) and core services
Esri ArcGIS Desktop 10: GIS-base-functions
FME Esri Edition: Fully integrated solution for creating and conflating complex data-streams
Microsoft SQL Server Datenbank: Data storage
Silverlight: Application development
The Advantages
The ERGO GIS assistance solution enables assistance-cover staff to quickly and comprehensively support their clients in the case of a claim. The web-application ERGO GIS Assistance provides various search functions, for precisely determining a client‘s location. These include, for instance, address search, searching for motorway kilometrage and way points along a route, and searching for Points of Interest (POI). An integrated intelligent route planner enables the calculation of towing routes, or serves for planning the further travel route. This allows the determination of a suitable roadside assistance service in the case of a claim, and an optimal tow-drive to the nearest garage and to the client‘s residence, based on the breakdown location.
The client’s location also serves as the basis for perimeter searches for freely configurable POI-topics. This allows features such as hotels, petrol stations or restaurants in the client’s vicinity to be determined, for which appropriate routes can then be planned.
Stable and secure assistance solution, providing comprehensive support on demand.
Various possibilities of exactly localising clients.
Time-optimized support through intelligent navigation.
Location specific searches for freely configurable topics.
Based on ArcGIS technology, provided by the world-leader in geo-information systems ESRI.