FME and Python
Introduction to Python scripting as an extension of FME functionality
Python is a clear and easy to learn programming language with the help of which it is possible to extend the FME functionally. This training imparts knowledge about the generation of Python scripts and their application possibilities in the FME. Practical examples are used to teach the basics of Python syntax. Based on this, Python is integrated into FME Workbench processes. Finally, the possible combinations of FME and Python in different workflow scenarios are presented.
During the training, participants are supervised by an experienced trainer who uses practical exercises to convey the knowledge interactively and can address individual questions at any time.
Learning Goal
Participants will be able to independently create Python scripts and integrate them into FME processes.
Target Group
Users who have FME technology in place and want to automate recurring workflows.
Basics of Python: Development Environment, Data types etc.
Error handling in Python scripts
Startup and shutdown scripts within FME
Python Transformers
Creation of customized transformers
FME Objects API - The Python interface to FME
Controlling the data flow using Python
Workflow scenarios using Python and FME
Basic knowledge of FME Desktop and basic knowledge of programming techniques.
Technical requirements
A computer with internet capability and a current browser.
Microphone and loudspeaker. Recommended, but not mandatory, is the use of two monitors, a headset and a camera.
Access to the virtual classrooms of con terra GmbH. All software required for the training is installed and licensed in the virtual classrooms. To enable access, con terra GmbH provides participants with an RDP file that must be saved on the computer in advance.
Use of the Zoom web conferencing system. Here you can test in advance whether your security settings and access rights allow the use of the software.