Easy integration into security infrastructures

con terra Technologies Identity Services

Working securely has never been so convenient. The new Identity Service from con terra enables GeoIT applications to seamlessly integrate with existing user management systems - thereby strengthening digital sovereignty on the customer side. con terra Technologies products can now be easily connected to existing user management systems.


With the increasing diversity and networking of separate systems, the management of users and their application-related rights is becoming a critical factor for the GeoIT applications of modern geodata infrastructures. For this reason, con terra has created the Identíty Service, a new central component for simple and interoperable integration into existing security infrastructures. This provides all con terra Technologies products with a uniform solution for authentication and cross-product single sign-on. The service runs as a standalone web service and provides a bridge to an OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect standard identity provider. 


Established identity providers or brokers such as Keycloak as well as ArcGIS Enterprise Portal and ArcGIS Online can be seamlessly connected via standardized interfaces. User identities managed centrally there can be used directly in con terra Technologies software products, which enables uniform and efficient administration. 


Encapsulation in a central component ensures seamless integration across all applications and guarantees a consistently positive user experience. Users log in only once with their parent credentials, and are then granted individual access to the relevant content and functionality in the connected applications according to their permissions. This works by the service providing trusted applications with information about the user, such as names, email addresses and role affiliations.


The Identity Service makes the integration of GeoIT solutions into security infrastructures easier than ever before, and users benefit from a convenient, cross-product single sign-on.

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Wir beraten Sie gerne!

Christoph Uhlenküken
Christoph Uhlenküken
+49 251 59689 300