COVID-19 map provides up-to-date and clear information

Transparent access to corona data

Transparent access to corona data

The new COVID-19 map from con terra provides up-to-date and clear information


Up-to-date and reliable COVID-19 maps are an important tool in making the right decisions against the spread of the novel coronavirus. The range of fluctuations in the number of cases currently poses a problem. Depending on the source used, it totals several thousand infected persons. The reasons for this include the use of different data sources and delays (see article: Die große Meldelücke [The large reporting gap]).


con terra creates a bit of transparency through the new COVID-19 map application ( Mapping uses publicly available data from health authorities of rural and urban districts, which are provided by the Karlsruhe start-up Risklayer. Data flows into the map automatically and without delay. With a simple click, Risklayer's case numbers can be changed to those of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). 


The map is designed for maximum transparency and ease of use. Clicking on the map directly brings up information such as the number of cases and the data sources used. It can be sorted depending on the inquiry. 

con terra GmbH provides the COVID-19 map application to all interested organizations and private individuals free of charge for non-commercial use* and thus makes a small contribution to society in the fight against the spread of the novel coronavirus. Help us keep people informed and incorporate the map on your website (instructions, see below).



Screenshot COVID-19-Kartenanwendung



* The COVID-19 app can be easily embedded on your homepage. For this purpose, the HTML IFrame element is used. To do this, add the following code snippet to your website.


<iframe class="corona-webapp" src="" width="100%" height="800" allow="geolocation" style="border:none" >

   Sorry your browser does not support inline frames.




For mobile devices, you can optimize the COVID-19 app's height through a CSS media query. To do this, add the following media query to the linked CSS file.


@media only screen and (max-width: 430px) {

    .corona-webapp { 

        height: 600px !important;  











Your contact

Christoph Uhlenküken
Christoph Uhlenküken
+49 251 59689 300