data.europa academy

Getting started with the use of open geodata


data.europa academy

Getting started with the use of open geodata


Every day, more and more data is available worldwide. Being able to interpret this data and draw the right insights from it is becoming a growing challenge for both public administration and the private sector.


With the intention of increasing data literacy in all areas, the European data portal has launched the data.europa academy. In the form of a wide-ranging selection of courses, useful advice is provided on how to deal with Open Data.


The offer is not only directed to experts in the field of Open Data, but also to newcomers. The curriculum is structured along four themes: policy, impact, technology, and quality. Based on these four themes the academy provides information on publishing and finding open data, interoperability standards, regulatory and technical requirements, or recommendations. Furthermore, the use of the data and the possibilities of a comprehensive analysis are discussed.


con terra participates in course offering on Open Data


We are pleased to have been able to run the first course on data.europa academy on dealing with spatial information: "Introduction to Geospatial data". This course is available online and answers the following questions:


  • Where does the geospatial data found on come from?
  • What geospatial data (e.g., topics, thematic domains) is available via
  • How can geospatial data be found on
  • How can the geospatial data be accessed and used? (Formats of geospatial data and services, delivery mechanisms)
  • How can a geospatial context be added to non-geospatial data and what is the benefit of this?


The course was given by con terra together with 52°North and Capgemini Invent. As part of a consortium directed by Capgemini Invent, con terra together with 52°North is responsible for the area of spatial data in the European data portal


Visit the academy here:


More information on the course "Introduction to Geospatial data":


Dr. Thore Fechner

Dr. Thore Fechner

+49 251 59689 300