Esri Partner Conference and Developer Summit

A Review


Esri Partner Conference and Developer Summit

After two years of digital exhibitions and virtual networking, it is finally possible to attend conferences live again and exchange ideas in person on site. And since it's such a great thing to do, we've started doing it right away in a double pack: From March 05 to 11, 2022, two major events took place at once, the Esri Partner Conference and the Esri Developer Summit in Palm Springs.


About the events

While the Esri Partner Conference has the main focus on exchange and networking between Esri Inc, Esri distributors and Esri partners, the Developer Summit is a conference by developers for developers. The spotlight is on the possible uses of the different Esri technologies and their new features. As a bronze sponsor, con terra actively supported both events this year and attended with a number of colleagues.


con terra on site

We are finally back to having direct conversations during breaks or at the Showcase, where experts share their knowledge with each other - finally back to live presentations with the option to ask questions directly afterwards. And finally, back to evening events like Meet the Esri Teams to share how the requirements, issues and challenges of GIS infrastructures have changed over the last two years.


What had been difficult to capture digitally in recent years was now all around us again: the sense of community through which a few words become real ideas, new perspectives emerge, and inspiration and motivation awaken. We used this dynamic of direct exchange on site in Palm Springs intensively to meet with our partners from Esri Germany and Esri Inc. as well as partners from our partner network to discuss existing as well as future strategies.


During the DevSummit, the focus was on technology. Our developers used the opportunity to inform themselves about all innovations of the ArcGIS technology.


Technological highlights of the DevSummit:


  • New automation options for optimizing existing work processes - e.g. running an ArcGIS notebook initiated by a webhook event, which in turn can be tied to certain events in the ArcGIS system.

  • Extension of visualization options in the ArcGIS system - e.g. the Flow Renderer, which allows visualization of raster data as animated streamlines in the JavaScript API 4.23

  • ArcGIS Pro Breaking Changes - information about the transition from .NET Framework to .NET 6 in ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and Visual Studio 2022 in the ArcGIS Pro SDK

  • Introducing the new ArcGIS Knowledge product - provides the ability to relate spatial data to non-spatial data and display it in knowledge graphs in ArcGIS Pro


With more than 300 sessions in total, we were able to take home a wide range of new information on products, developer technologies and licensing options. We are now applying the newly acquired knowledge directly to our projects and discussions with our customers in order to develop new and improved approaches and solutions for the use of GIS technologies.


All in all, the seven days on site showed us how important personal exchange is in order to find solutions in a creative and down-to-earth way. For this reason, we are particularly looking forward to all the other conferences coming up in the next few months and hope to meet you in person at Esri UC, the German-speaking Esri Conference in Bonn, map.apps Days or another event.


Thanks to the Sponsors




Mischa Giese

+49 251 59689 300