Custom Apps for utilizing SDI, INSPIRE and Open Data Resources
map.apps SDI is a product extension for map.apps. It is used to create custom apps accessible via spatial data infrastructures (SDI) which can efficiently open up the contents of INSPIRE services and open data resources.
Dynamically load standard services
One of the outstanding features of map.apps SDI is the dynamic loading of additional geoservices via standardized interfaces (INSPIRE View, WFS 2.0 GeoJSON, OGC API features, WMS, WMTS, ArcGIS Map / Feature / Image /Vector Tile / Scene Service). It results in maximum flexibility in assembling individual map views, which are composed in this way from the pre-configured as well as task-oriented User-Added services. In this context, the switching of spatial reference system can be easily done using a pick list at runtime by the end user.
Save and load map status
map.apps SDI allows users to save the current view of the map, share with others and recall the state at any time. It saves all the information, such as background map incl. thematic content, pre-configured themes and added services, drawn objects, spatial reference system and spatial section.
Easy access to resources
The management of services and map layers, both pre-configured and user-added, takes place via the content tree. Access to the map content can take place both through the Services-view of the content tree and thematically via the map.apps map flow component. Furthermore, it is possible to adjust the visibility of the layers, group layers and services via the content tree, as well as changing the transparency of a service. Service status information, group layers and layer information are also provided.
Use Open Data
With map.apps SDI, use SDI and INSPIRE services for your purposes perfectly into your own apps. If services are available as open data, then free access through ArcGIS Online or spatial data infrastructures of public administrations is possible.
Feature Profile
Dynamically add geoservices via standardised interfaces (INSPIRE View, WFS 2.0 GeoJSON, OGC API features, WMS, WMTS, ArcGIS Map / Feature / Image /Vector.
Management of loaded services and map layers over the content tree, with service or layer-specific functions such as
- Move and arrange services and layers
- Zoom on service or layer
- Display service and layer description
- Call up legend for service
- Capabilities query for WMS and WMTS services
- Define transparency for service
- Additional warnings for SRS, Extent and 3D Mode (besides Scale and Availability)
Easy change of the spatial reference system at runtime
Selection of predefined scales, e.g. when using cached services and entry of own scales.
Saving, loading and sharing map states, incl. background map, thematic content, pre-configured themes and added services, drawn objects, spatial reference system and spatial section.
Central display of copyright in the copyright viewer
Full integration with map.apps
Download map.apps Extension Flyer (PDF)