
smart.finder – Finding data the smart way

smart.finder represents an efficient way of simplifying searches for spatial data, services and documents. It enables fast and structured access to extensive, distributed and heterogeneous data stores.

No data infrastructure is too big for smart.finder
Users of this high-performance software will find exactly the spatial data, services and documents that they are looking for, simply, efficiently and precisely – particularly when searching in large infrastructures. It is even possible to reveal and exploit concealed data treasures. Hits may originate from a wide variety of information sources.

Automatic crawling rather than manual collection

The highly effective search methodology is based on the use of high-performance crawling and indexing functions. smart.finder performs regular searches on information sources and automatically derives metainformation from these, which it structures and makes available from a central location. smart.finder is able to locate data, metadata, services, documents, applications and features in a database, with or without spatial references, static or with time variance.

Operating comfort to the latest standards

Right from the start, users will find the interface extremely easy and intuitive to use. The auto-complete function in the search mask and the smart results layout are immediately apparent. As befits the characteristics of the search results, they are presented both in a list view and in a map display. If the hit list is particularly extensive, it is possible to perform facet searching (as commonly found on such websites as Amazon or eBay), to improve the precision of the results – in several steps if necessary.

Varied range of applications

Wherever rapid and simple access to extensive geoinformation is needed, smart.finder is the tool of choice:


  • In private businesses or public bodies
  • Portal integration, enterprise GIS integration
  • Setting up infrastructures (incl. INSPIRE and SDI)
  • Exploitation of existing ISO metadata
  • Uniform management and description of resources
  • As a stand-alone application or integrated in map.apps or other external systems


Download smart.finder Flyer (PDF)



masterson von con terra
Barry Masterson
+49 251 59689 300